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Rev. Joseph A. Bias

A Psalm, A Proverb, and A Prayer

“As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, “Where is your God?” When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me… Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. O my God, my soul is cast down within me…The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me—a prayer to the God of my life… Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.” Psalm 42:1-11
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2

Father I pray that You will set the righteous in positions of authority throughout this nation. I pray for the President of the United States to be lead by Your Spirit only in all that he does and speaks over this nation. I pray for those in his cabinet in positions of governance over various departments of the administration that they will have no other agenda but what is best for “we the people.”

I pray for those in the House of Representatives and those in the Senate they will all be arrested in their thinking to the extent that they will only do what is right before You and what is right for the good of the nation, that we may be truly One Nation under God.

I pray for the justices of the Supreme Court that they will be men and women of honesty, integrity, courage and true defenders and righteous adherence to the law as written in our Constitution guided by Your Holy Spirit in all judgments they render.

I pray that they will not be intimidated, fearful or timid in their deliberations but that they will all seek the wisdom that is from above to truly protect and preserve rule of Law and the Constitution of the United States of America.

I pray for all the judges in every circuit, every jurisdiction, every district, every state and local court to be guided by Your Spirit, having Godly insight and understanding to rule on matters that cone before them righteously and never for political advantage or disadvantage.

I pray for governors and mayors, for state, county and city government leaders that they will guide the affairs of their governments with honesty, integrity, truth, justice and fairness according to Your Word. I pray that they will all be guided by and submitted to Your will in all things.

I pray for those in law enforcement. For policemen and women who serve the good and for the peace of our communities, defending us and deterring criminal behavior wherever it is found at the national state and local levels. I pray for their families, for peace and protection for them all.

I pray for first responders who rush into threatening and dangerous situations to rescue and save the victims of crime and other natural disasters and emergencies. Bless them and keep them by Your grace and mercy.

I pray for those who serve in our military, for soldiers, sailors, marines, guardsmen and women, airmen and women, those in combat and non-combat positions for those in our Space Force and those who serve in secret missions. Keep them Father by Your strong hand. Keep them strong and courageous to be Your ministers of justice and defenders of freedom, nationally and internationally as You call us to serve.

I pray, Father, for Your Church, for its leadership, for Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers whom You have given for the protecting of the Saints for the work of ministry. I pray that You would anoint them and make them strong in their callings and gifts to bless the Body of Christ and minister Your truth to the world and that You would bless them and their families in all things. I pray that we will always be more than abundantly supplied for every good work and charitable donation.

Now Lord I thank You for the way You have kept and preserved us as One Nation Under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I pray that Your kingdom will come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. You have made this day, and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thank You, Father, Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. AMEN and AMEN.

Listen to this now and be blessed.

The Blessing

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